Hi there 👋

My name is André and this is my personal website.

And yes, this is a Notion page!

I find Notion to be one of the master pieces of the web: their soothing UI, the user-centered design principles and the most generous freemium on the whole web are unique! The Notion development team has done an outstanding job in creating a program that is not only functional but also user-friendly. Their tech stack includes React (or is it Nextjs now? 😇) and Redux (still to have a look at this) for the frontend, while using a combination of Python and Go for the back end.

I used Fruition to host this Notion website for, basically, free on Cloudflare. Because, hey, at the end of the day, the internet is all about solving problems using the wittiest solutions.

I recently pivoted into to web development and try to document my story on my Blog. This has been one tough move with a lot of challenges, but very rewarding. It gives me courage and keeps me motivated. If you like what you see, feel free to connect by clicking one of the links below!

Some of these articles had been sitting in the attic (aka a random page somewhere or in my 🧠) for a while, so was my plan of launching a website using Notion…or a website at all.



My portfolio

Posts (1)

Let’s connect!

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